A series of icon were explored to form the new identity for the free USA shipping message. A direction of being hand drawn and quirky were relevant in order to remain on brand and retain the overall existing Brand narrative that already existed.
3 directions were explored, playing with colour and treatments before one was selected.
The website’s UX and UI was explored and resolved in order to identify the relevant touch points for the messaging to exist within, such as the homepage, checkout and PDP pages.
Coinciding with the USA messaging was the need to determine and communicate where Boden’s outlet and third party stores could be located. UX / UI investigations were undertaken to formalise the most cohesive and logical order of flow and content to resolve this.
As part of the 360º campaign the ‘Free USA Shipping Message’ covered both digital and online platforms. Here the icon was evolved to work as part of a family of icons for editorial purposes, alongside it’s use an an advert applied to the magazines back page.
A range of magazine covers and intros were produced to work across the monthly seasonal launches of Boden’s product offerings. Adapting and applying relevant campaign imagery to work across them.